Saturday 19 February 2011

Further Research Into Media Theory : Feminism


Feminists believe that media output is the product of a patriarchal or male dominated order aimed at dis-empowering women. 

Feminism battles the idea that women are subservient to men.

Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze as constructing audience expectations of a film is one of the most dominant ideology's amongst feminists.

Media is a patriarch of society -> Media is created by men for men.

The Male Gaze theory states audiences look at films in specific ways : 

Voyeuristically - Turning the represented figure into a fetish object.
Fetishtically - Turning women into an object.

Objectification of female characters in relationship to this controlling male gaze :

Narcissistic Identification : With an Ideal image seen on the screen.

Women must be 'glamorous' to appease the male gaze.

Shockingly, in relation to this information, The sex equallity act was not passed in Britain until 1975.

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