Thursday 3 February 2011


 I have analysed two college magazine front covers to help me with designing my own.

The Deyes High School magazine is in a formal style and is very bland, black and white and un-exciting.  It is aimed more towards parents than students, the fonts clash obviously, giving the impression of a rushed front cover, clashing Serif formal fonts with Serif Sans non-formal fonts.  The anchorage is all centre. 

The second front cover i analysed is quite the opposite, the cover has bright colours such as red and yellow and contains two full colour images, the graphics used on the masthead, although out-dated and plain give a retro look to the page.  This front cover is more friendly for students to read as the bright colours and pictures are more attractive to younger readers although the school logo maintains the formallity needed in a college magazine.  The pug in the bottom left looks rushed and un-professional, it looks like it has been placed their just to fill space.  The layout is typical of a newspaper.   

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