Monday 24 January 2011

Please take a short amount of your time to complete my questionnaire about Music Magazines to help me establish what genre of Music Magazine to produce for my coursework.

The Questionnaire can be found HERE

Your time and help is much appreciated.  

Research Into Media Language Through Semiotics :

In order to help me create a high quality music magazine, i have researched certain types of media language to broaden my understanding of how consumers choose to take in media texts such as music magazines through certain symbols they see and interpret them differently. These are some ideas i researched which will be useful in helping me design and construct graphics for my front page : 

    Semiotics :  Is the study of signs.  A sign is anything that carries meaning.

 Saussure - > " In everything their is a sign and a signified"

For example if rain is the sign then sadness or a miserable atmosphere is the symbol.  Signs are Polysemic ; they are open to many interpretations. 

Denotation = What is there.

Connotation = What it might suggest.

All media texts are encoded by producers and decoded by audiences. 

In terms of a music magazine, an electric guitar logo on the front page could symbolize loud or rock music and attract listeners of that genre to read the magazine, where as a logo of a violin would suggest a classical genre of music and attract listeners of that genre.  

Thursday 20 January 2011


For my As Media coursowrk i have been asigned the preliminary task of creating the front page of a new school magazine featuring a photograph of a student in a medium close up, appropriatley laid out text and a masthead. 

My main assignment taks is to create the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.

This blog will contain all my research, samples, drafts and all other pieces of data i use to help me create the best possible final product.

I will be updating this blog on a regular bases, feel free to read, follow, comment and complete any questionaires or poles posted.